For recent commentary, visit the PeggyLee.com Bulletin Board
- March, 2012: Peggy Lee exhibit information added
- February, 2012: Lady and the Tramp Blu-ray/DVD information added
- May, 2011: Digital download catalog added
- September, 2010: Peggy Lee bio-pic article links added
- April, 2010: Come Rain or Come Shine CD information added
- February, 2010: The Jazz Singer DVD information added
- November, 2009: Let’s Love CD information added
- October, 2009: Two Shows Nightly CD information added
- July, 2009: The Man I Love CD information added
- July, 2009: Jump for Joy CD information added
- July, 2008: Pete Kelly’s Blues DVD information added
- March, 2008: The Lost ’40s and ’50s Capitol Masters CD information added
- March, 2008: All Aglow Again! CD information added
- March, 2008: Then Was Then, Now Is Now / Bridge Over Troubled Water CD information added
- March, 2008: Make It With You / Where Did They Go CD information added